Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lunch Drawings for Dorothy: Kindergarten, Set 7

Then, for one month, I only gave her characters with Spanish names...

Day 113: El Zorro

Day 114: Marvel Comics' version of Zorro... El Aguila

Day 115: La Arana

Day 116: I was sick, so Selah drew Frida Kahlo

Day 117: Don Quixote y Rocinante

Day 118: La Espirita, from the West Coast Avengers

Day 119: The original Human Torch's sidekick, Toro

Day 120: Lobo

Day 121: Mas y Menos

Day 122: El Dorado of the Super Friends

Day 123: El Gato, from Steve Gerber and Mary Skrenes' Omega the Unknown

Day 124: El Gaucho, of the Batmen of All Nations

That was it for Spanish Month, due to several sick days for Dorothy, a couple of sick days for me, and an ice day or two.

Day 125: April Fools' Day Bat-Mite

Day 126: Diamondback

Day 127: Zaran

Day 128: D.W.

Day 129: Steve Ditko's Squirrel Girl

Day 130: Steve Ditko's Mr. A

Day 131: Steve Ditko's Spider-Man

Day 132: Steve Ditko's Leader

Day 133: Steve Ditko's Dr. Strange

Day 134: Joe Simon's Captain America

Day 135: Steve Gerber and Jack Kirby's Woblina Strangelegs

Day 136: Pablo, the Penguin who Hated the Cold

Day 137: Lockjaw

Day 138: Tacky

Day 139: The Glorkian Warrior

Day 140: Ladybug Girl

Day 141: The Incredible Hulk

Day 142: Mangog

Day 143: The Odinsleep

Day 144: Jeffrey Brown's Princess Leia

Day 145: The Red Ghost's Super-Apes

Day 146: Airazor, from Transformers: Beast Wars

Day 147: Power Pack's Mom

Day 148: Little Peewee

Day 149: Jack P. McGurk

Day 150: Rattrap, from Transformers: Beast Wars

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